Rough Tough & Messy Graphics
I was a TA for 2.009 in the Fall of 2016. 2.009 is the senior capstone product design course at MIT, mainly for mechanical engineering students. TAing this class is like working for a small production team creating, managing, documenting, and overseeing weekly events for ~180 people. We mentor students on their projects, create graphics for lectures and the class website, serve as photographers for the class, and create documentary content in the form of videos and illustrations.

This year (in 2016), the theme was:
Rough Tough & Messy!
We wanted to encourage students to think about solving problems that arise in the harshest conditions or most off-putting jobs. Throughout the semester, we chose to theme our website and graphics with illustrated beavers.

When teams are assigned "sub-themes" to focus on, the staff has very little time to post these along with fun, descriptive graphics. This video is a sped up screen recording of myself creating 8 beaver illustrations (one for each team's subtheme):
For the final presentations (audience of ~5000), I created this animation to introduce the class:
(using AfterEffects and Illustrator)
As you might have seen in the above animation, our graphics for final presentations were very much "pipe" centered, to reflect the rough tough and messy theme, as well as easily represent 8 different teams. I also designed posters to announce the event that we put up around campus:

Also for this class:
That one time I made a Slimer costume for Halloween at work!

And then we made a video about it:
(this video edited by Rachel Reed)
I illustrated a Seuss themed graphic and applied it to a large prop for a class activity (pictured is one of our loverly Instructors - Shreya!):

The legs were printed and then individually hand cut (by me) with a knife, I thought it would be fun to document, so now you get to watch me work:
I also designed on-theme labels for the sugar-glass bottles that were later used in a skit on good and bad critique:

Video I edited showing the skit and those bottles: